Elmo Jenkins is back for another fun-filled adventure at First Church. Tag along as his cadre of quirky friends continue to amaze, stupefy, and entertain Reverend Elmo. Be there when Erlene gets thrown in the slammer for conking a policeman with her dentures. Discover how Eddie Hughes breaks both his nose and his big toe. And suffer with Elmo as Bonnie puts him on a health food regimen.
Thurm, Julianne, Father Ted and the rest of the gang are back along with new friends Sergio, the limo driver, and the mysterious Elijah Enoch. Through it all Elmo discovers some life-changing spiritual truths, and chances are, you will too.
It's another hilarious ride through the halls of First Church you won't want to miss. - OBT Bookz
Ken dedicated The Old Man and The Tea to "the elderly saints who take the time and the energy to mentor younger believers." In this day and age when everything has to be cutting edge, it's nice to stop and recognize that we'd never be where we are today without the contributions and sacrifices of those who've gone before us. Elmo's latest adventure portrays the importance of those relationships.
Of course, Elmo wouldn't be Elmo without some humorous predicaments along the way. Some of those situations have been lifted right off the pages of Ken's years in the ministry. But far be it from me to say which ...
The Old Man and the Tea is now available HERE on Kindle. If you haven't read the first two books in the series, you should! Ordained Irreverence, Book One; and Some Things Never Change, Book Two.
Treat yourself to a fun read today!