Is it just me or is anyone else having a hard time getting 2011 going? See this little cutie in the striped cap? EXACTLY how I feel. (Here's hoping it ain't gas?) No, I'm afraid it's official: I've got The Blahs.
I just can't seem to find my mojo now that we're well into the new year (assuming I ever had a mojo?) . . . I have so much I need to be doing, but I can't get my "want-to" to want-to. Know what I mean?

Could be the snow. Nashville was blessed with such a beautiful white Christmas this year, and we've had even more since then. Yeah, I'm one of "those" people - the kind who can't get enough of the white stuff. BRING.IT.ON. Granted, I don't live in Minnesota (hi Joy!) or South Dakota or up in Alaska . . . but I do love me some good snow. It's very calming to my soul, if that makes any sense. Doesn't bother me a bit to get snowed in for days on end. Even when the kids were younger, I loved waking them with those two beautiful words: Snow Day! We'd watch movies, make popcorn, sleep a lot . . . heaven!
Ah. Maybe THAT'S the problem. All this snow = sleep in my brain, thus explaining the slow start to 2011. Like hibernating bears. Could explain all these naps that keep invading my schedule . . .
Or it could be the Kindle my kids bought me for Christmas! For a book lover like me, I can't believe I'm already hooked on this gadget but I am! I still love my traditional books (I take turns so they aren't offended), but I feel terribly trendy whenever I whip out my Kindle and start reading. LOVE when my kids surprise me!

I'm also back on Weight Watchers. Maybe it's the hunger pangs that are distracting me. Ya think? Great program, especially with their new PointsPlus system, but any time I'm watching what I eat, it seems like that's ALL I can think about! But hey - I've lost 6.5 pounds my first two weeks, so I'm a happy girl. Only a bazillion more to go . . . watch for some svelte glamor shots later this year. HA!

But I've gotta get moving. I've got several trips on the horizon this year. A birthday getaway/house & dog sitting weekend with my good friend Sally in a couple of weeks. Then, the end of February, a reunion weekend at a cabin in Blue Ridge with some long-lost friends of mine from our seminary days in Texas - haven't seen either of them in about 25 years! Even now, I'm resting my jaws for the gabfest! HOW FUN!! In March, another trip to Ridgecrest in North Carolina for a big church librarians annual event. I'll be helping lead a conference as well as taking part in a big book signing there. Then Ken & I are planning a trip to Boston the end of April to celebrate - wait for it - our 30th anniversary!! Woo hoo!! Can't wait for that one!

As we speak, my next book -
Don't Ever Look Down: Surviving Cancer Together - co-authored with Dick & Debbie Church, is headed to press with an April 1st release date. It was such an honor and privilege to work on this book with two of my dearest friends. If you know ANYONE who has had to travel down the road of cancer, you need to get a copy of this book. Dick & Deb have opened their hearts to share their experiences along their cancer journey, taking turns by writing every other chapter to give their individual perspectives. Deb, an oncology counselor who was diagnosed with Stage IIIA breast cancer, gives a transparent peek into her world from the
other side of cancer. Dick, a minister with a passion for mountain climbing, writes a compelling comparison of Debbie's battle with cancer to the difficulties, dangers, and triumphs of climbing a mountain. I know I'm ridiculously prejudiced about this book, but trust me - you've NEVER read a book like this. What makes it so unique is not only Deb's point of view from 18 years of counseling others with this horrible disease, but also the rare insights of a husband whose wife endured a double mastectomy. As pathetic as it may seem, many husbands in that situation don't stick around. Dick Church did, and he gives us a rare glimpse into the heartbreaking situations they've faced together. You'll be hooked from page one. That's a guarantee!
Sound like a pitch? You betcha! Preorders available now!
Click here! And be assured I'll remind you when the big launch occurs. Consider yourself warned.
I've been so bad about posting these blogs. "Irregular" doesn't even come close to describing how often I don't post! It isn't that I forget. Just doesn't seem like I have much to say that's worth blabbing about. That, and the fact that when I do post, it's waaaaay too long. So the new rule is "less is more." Post more often, just shorter and to the point.
Which means this one is already too long. I'm outta here!
I love your blog layout and content! My blogs are not nearly as appealing! I would love some feedback!