I adore Teresa Nardozzi. She is my friend, my "sistah" in the Lord, my soul-sister (we talk and pray about everything), and for many years, she was also my neighbor, living just two houses down and across the street when we lived in Florida. Teresa & her husband Bill have three boys - Brock, Bryant, & Brice. Brock is the same age as our son Ben and the two of them were best buds for all those years. The picture below was taken a lifetime ago when they were in 6th grade (Brock on the left, Ben on the right.)
When did these guys grow up? When did their voices change? When did they trade in their bicycles for sports cars and pickup trucks? When did they start shaving and talking about girls? When did they start making the tough decisions life throws them? Teresa, where did our little boys go?
Well, they became men. And now Brock is serving his country in the U.S. Army. I've had lots of friends whose kids serve in the military, some who've fought in the wars of the last decade. But this is the first time someone truly close to me has dealt with this kind of separation. The kind that puts an entire ocean between her and her son with lots of scary stuff in the mix.
I can't even imagine.
Still, it's gotta be hard. So for all of you moms and dads who felt your heart break as your sons or daughters headed overseas, I want to lift you up and ask God's special presence in your life today. I'm asking Him to grant you a peace that can only come from the Almighty . . . until your loved one returns home, safe and sound.
Teresa, I've got your back, girl! I love you, friend.
Brock, thank you for serving your country. Thank you for the sacrifices you're making, when you'd probably rather be doing a thousand other things than heading "over there." May you feel all the prayers of those who love you, each and every day. May you sense God's presence every moment of every day. And may you know how we'll all be counting the days until He returns you safely to us.
Godspeed, Specialist Brock Nardozzi. Stay safe, buddy.
Hi Diane,
ReplyDeleteWhat a touching post! As a mom with a son in the Marines, I know what it's like to send a son off and know a big chunk of my heart is going with him. Our son did a tour in Iraq and a year in Africa guarding one of our US embassies. I am proud of him, and I know your friend Teresa is proud of her son Brock too.
Still it's challenging to trust the Lord and be so far apart. I also have a daughter who works for Samaritan's Purse in Sudan, so...that has been a challenge to release and bless them to follow where God calls them.
These verses from Psalm 139 have been a great comfort to me.
7 Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
10 even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.
God goes with Brock and He will draw close to Teresa. I will pray for them now.
I can't even imagine how hard that must be ... I'm a basket case about my son going "off" to college 45 minutes away! I'll be keeping Brock and his folks in my prayers, and saying a special prayer as they have to deal with the saying farewell part.
ReplyDelete--Stacy A.